Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kids say the darn'dest things...

LEAH is saying, "MA MA... MA MA..." and
"NA... NA..." it sounds so much like Anna!
She is such a big talker...
The other day we came home and there was a huge praying mantis on the door mat. I brought Anna's attention to it and she immediately took a few steps back. (It really was huge!) We watched it for a few seconds and then quickly called daddy over to help it resume it's position on the vine close to the door. As he did Anna preceeded to say, "Thank you daddy for moving sister mantis." We started cracking up... She called it "Sister Manits" all night.
I guess if you are "praying..." you must be a "sister _____..."


Alaina said...

Ha ha! That is so cute. Kids definitely do say the funniest things. And your kids are adorable1

Geoffrey and Ellee Pettit said...

hahahaha!!!!!!! that is so funny and smart. I love how kids interpret things.

elizabeth lawlor said...

well...anna is my niece so that automatically makes her adorable!! :) hahhhaha totally kidding! but that is funny, that stupid thing scared me too!

Anna, Leah, Lucy and Curtis